Thursday, February 18, 2010

a little bit of sewing

just a simple and quick post... made a couple holders for my phone and camera this afternoon..

yeah, i know, they do seem a tad christmassy..but i still like them;)

and here are a couple shots of my work/studio space.. i always like seeing other peoples space.. so heres mine;) well, what it looked like this afternoon anyway..

and my sweet little kate.. who is not so little anymore.. i love seeing her snuggled up somewhere with a book.
happy thursday everyone:)


  1. thanks mel! i got him "mr. owl" at a estate sale shop around the corner.. they were- get this- going to THROW it out??? they then said i could buy it for one dollar..yeah a dollar?! SOLD! i did however, get the shade at anthro;) - on sale of course!

  2. oh my, i love your work space. i wish i could sew. you are so precious gina. hope to see you and connect soon! love you! jo

  3. Love your work space!! So organized.
